Friday, February 1, 2008

A Day with Hannah!

Yesterday I took my girls to see the Hannah Montana Best of Both Worlds 3D Concert Movie. They had a blast, and I thought it was really the best of both worlds (for my wallet as well as my sanity). My girls are far too young for me to spend mega bucks on concerts that will damage their hearing before they even start to hear what I have to say! This concert idea was a great thing. They got to see her perfrom 3D, keep their cool glasses (the nice plastic ones, not the cheap paper ones), sing along and dance in their seats just as if they were at a concert and I got to actually enjoy time with my girls. I even found myself dancing and singing with them, where as if I was at an actual concert with them I would have been paranoid the whole time that I might lose one of them.
We made a day of it by going to get really awful Mexican food, but it was fun because I let them pick where they wanted to go and they loved it. And at least it wasn't Chili's or I might have been struck by lightning before we could get to the movie!(See Alyson King's blog for more info on that!)
I would love if more tween groups would put out shows like this, of course no one might go to the concerts if they did, but this was my type of date!


Laura Lee said...

GNO - Girls Night Out!!! So Fun!!!

kingwritergirl said...

Way Fun!! Who woul dhave thought Hannah Montanna would untie mothers and daughters across the globe!

kami @ said...

What a fun mom you are, sounds like a blast! :)