Monday, March 3, 2008

Stargate vs. Stargate

I just recently purchased the movie Stargate in the five dollar bin at Wal-mart. (Love the five dollar bin!) I have not seen it since it first came out several years ago, but I remembered I loved it. So we watched it, and it was great. Good story, funny characters, aliens, what more could I want, right? Well, I couldn't enjoy it as much as I once had, because over the past year, I have fallen in love with a whole different Jack O'Neil and Daniel Jackson, than the ones played by Kurt Russell and James Spader in the movie. I am talking about Stargate SG1.
My husband and I got hooked on watching TV show DVDs about two and half years ago. We realized that by the time the kids went to bed, there was nothing on, and on most night we were too tired to watch a whole movie, but a 45 minute TV show with no commercials was just right. So we have been through, Babylon Five, The original Battle Star Galactica, Monks, Quantum Leap, FarScapes, Chip's, Firefly, the Office and others. These were all fun, and while Firefly will be my all time favorite (if you have not seen it, watch it! It is only one season and then the movie Serenity is amazing.) there is something about watching 10 whole seasons of a show that makes you love the characters and see all their quirks that you can't learn about in just a two hour movie. Like the fact that O'Neil goes fishing in a pond that has no fish just to relax. Plus, SG1 was able to add fun new characters and more that just one set of bad guys (The Ori are even worst that the Gould).
So the movie was still fun, and if you have never seen either go ahead and watch it, just know that somewhere out there, a much better Jack and Daniel are ready to step you through a Stargate of much greater adventure. (Warning...if you decide to watch the series you may want to note that the first episode has some nudity issues that I was unprepared for, but after that there is nothing in the rest of the ten seasons that even made me blush. I hate when they do that, like it will sell more if they can put an explicit label on the cover.)


kingwritergirl said...

I love the movie, (which means a lot since you know my issues with SciFi) but it's the whoel ancient Egypt stuff that I love about it. I will have to check out the series sometime. Gee, I wonder where I could go to borrow the DVD's. Hmm....

Sabine Berlin said...

Yes, Yes, I don't know anyone who owns all ten seasons! Oh wait , I do! You may like them, the egyptian theme runs throughout all of them!

Dani said...

Kirk and I watch most TV shows either with TiVo or DVD's late at night after the kids are in bed too. I love your suggestions!

Beth said...

(Just surfed in on your blog - I'm Aly's Cousin)

I LOVE stargate: sg-1. My little sister got me hooked in December and since them my husband and I have been fighting an addiction. I like the tv show better than the movie because it is generally more lighthearted and fun.