Sunday, July 24, 2011

Eating Primal

The best thing about going primal of course is the weight loss, and with the weight loss comes two firsts I have not had in a long time. Last week we took the kids to a local waterpark and I got to wear a cute new swimsuit since my old one was too big for me. That was one bonus, but the biggest bonus was not worrying about looking like a beached whale the whole time. The level of confidence I felt walking around the park was awesome. I looked good, not eensy weensy tiny polka dot bikini good, but lets face it, unless you're Jennifer Gardner on Alis or the likes, there are not many people who can actually pull off that look. But I felt one piece modest swim suit good and that is enough for me.
Today I had another first in the sense that we went and had family pictures taken. I am not sure how they will turn out, but at least the only thing I worried about was keeping the kids clean until it was our turn for individual family pictures. I am 35 pounds less than the last family pictures and I can't wait to see these pictures unlike last time when I didn't even bother printing any of them out.
And while the weight loss is amazing side effect, and the fact that I am not tired all the time is awesome, it is the food that really makes primal great. People ask me how I can give up pasta and bread and the truth was it was hard at first, and every once and awhile I would like a bowl of Alfredo, but luckily with primal I can eat all I want so I am never starving enough to actually need it. Plus tonight we had hamburgers (sans buns) with grilled onion, mushrooms, and salsa (better than ketchup since I can get the natural stuff with no sugar or additives). It was so yummy. I don't even miss the grains, and for dessert I think there is a piece of dark chocolate calling my name. So it looks like I'll be staying primal and you won't hear any complaints from me (until I have to pass up that piece of Pumpkin Pie at Thanksgiving! I guess I have four months to figure out how to make me a primal pie!


Karen Mello Burton said...

Congrats! I lost 30 pounds recently too, and this summer at the beach in NC I felt more confident walking around and playing in the water than I can ever remember feeling. WooHoo!!!

Sabine Berlin said...

K, that is so awesome! Congrats!