Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School!

So I went back to school. Yep, two nights a week you can find me in Spanish Fork taking English 2010 through UVU. I decided it best after ten years to only start with one class.
My first night I was extremely apprehensive. Would I be the oldest in the class? Would the teacher and I get along? What if nobody sat by me? What if me, a writer, didn't do a good enough job writing college English papers and discovered that I am not a writer after all? Needless to say I was all nerves. I left the house way to early, had to sit outside the classroom for 30 minutes waiting for the other class to end, and it really was beginning to look like no one was going to sit next to me. But lo and behold, things worked out--so far.
I like my teacher. I am not the oldest in the class, though I am up it the top percentage! People sit by me now, and work with me when we need to pick groups. Okay, I have only gone twice, but I am liking it. I am still nervous for those 6 research papers I get to do, but I like class. I like the ride to and from when I can sit and think without the distraction of Radio Disney and yelling children. I like getting to go and talk to adults, to share my opinions, and to be validated. Most of all, I like that I did it. I said I wanted to go back to school last year and I chickened out. But not this time. I am there, and I hope I am there to stay (at least until I finish that pesky degree!)


Julie said...

Congratulations. It is a big leap, but well worth it. What a great example you are setting for your kids, and I feel strongly that it is never a bad thing to invest in educating oneself.
I am sure you will find yourself enjoying the semester!

Dani said...

Good for you! You are an inspiration! I plan to go back someday too. Maybe when all my kids are in school. Good luck and you will do great!

Sandra said...

I remember feeling the same way too. Those pesky degrees are worth it though. It's good to show your kids to persevere. And it's nice to get out of the house.

Juliana said...


Anonymous said...

Way to go! That is amazing. I went when I just had one kid and it was tough! hope it goes well! Love ya!

Jewel Allen said...

Cool for you, Sabine. Have fun and good luck!! If tuition didn't cost so much, I would opt to audit some classes through USU extension.