Friday, April 10, 2009

Bending over Backwards

It has been a while but here is a random post of my doings. First the good news! We took M up to Primary Children's on Monday for her Scoliosis appointment and when they took the x-rays I thought to myself, is it possible? Does her spine look straighter? All the books and everything From America said you can't reverse Scoliosis, you just hope it doesn't get worse. But I went with the European way of thinking and tried the Yoga and stretches, so maybe I was just wishful thinking! No, I wasn't. The doctor came in and confirmed that the curve had gone from 15 degrees down to 11 degrees in just 6 months. It was improving. He was shocked, but said to keep her in Yoga and that is exactly what we will be doing.
The bad news that goes with this is the only children's yoga I have found is in Alpine and that is quite the drive. Does anyone know of a more local place that they do children's yoga?

I am figuring out something that I have known all along. I am not the world's nicest mom. I put my kids in timeout, I make them clean their room. I don't always buy them things when we go to the store. I tell them they can live without shoes with skates in them and a DS and pretty much every item they see on TV. They lose computer time, TV time or friends, when they talk back or don't do their chores or are mean to one another. I make them do their homework, and practice the piano.
So when I was doing something this morning and L wanted me to drop everything to open him a can of tuna fish. I said just a minute. Well I was then told what a mean mom I was. So I started to think about it. To a kid I might not seem like the nicest mom, but am I really the world's meanest? So I asked him. Who washes and folds your clothes? Who cooks you dinner every night. Who buys the food and always has an after school snack ready? Who plans playdates, drives you kids to games, lessons, friends houses. Who plans parties, makes crafts, does preschool with you? Guess what his answer to each of those was. MOMMY! So then I asked him again who was the meanest mom in the world. Suddenly I was the best nicest mom in the world. So maybe I am not the nicest always, but I am not doing too bad.


Trieste said...

Isn't it crazy how kids always think about the negative things that happen and forget the positives? They always think their mom or dad is the meanest...I'm glad you reminded them what you do for them. We do so much for out kids and it's taken for granted, now we know how our parents felt!

Juliana said...

You're a great Mom. It's no wonder our kids forget how great we are sometimes--even WE forget how great we are! Keep up all the good work. :)

J Glazier said...

You are an awesome mom! Just tell them to come to my house, thats where the real Worlds Meanest Mom lives :)

Jewel Allen said...

Sweet post, Sabine. Great mom doesn't mean "most popular".

My challenge is to refrain from those chore-like mom duties and just play with the kids.

Btw, are you going to Storymakers?

Lenice said...

I think if you aren't a "mean" mom, you're not doing your job!!! Keep it up!!

Dani said...

My kids have a mean mom too. It's our job!! Keep up the good work, your kids will appreciate all of it someday. At least that's what I keep telling myself! :-)

Neoguardian said...

I came over from the Codex group, and this piqued my interest because I had scoliosis when I was a kid that later disappeared or at least shrank. In the 8th grade, my doctor gave me a set of intense exercises, and toward the end of the year when I went back, the curvature had gone from something like 12 degrees to 3 degrees. So, it's not a fairy tale. :)
-Michael G.