Tuesday, July 27, 2010

School Daze

Mid-terms were last week. I got 100% on both my History and Geology tests so I am very happy. I have one more test in History and two in Geology to deal with and three weeks of school left. This semester has been crazy doing both classes in 7 1/2 weeks, but it has also been nice because when I have my comprehensive final it won't have been as long to have to remember the stuff. The History grade makes me happy because that is my major. In Fall I will be taking 3 History classes and an introduction to Homeland Security class. A full schedule especially with soccer and the kids back in school and well everything. I think the next two years are going to be like this, me in a daze running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but hopefully somewhere in there I will manage to finish my rewrite of SKY and start my next story because I am coming up with ideas faster than I can write anything down!


Karen Mello Burton said...

This summer has been tough for me with school too. I got good grades, but I am completely fried.

Going part-time in the fall?

Sabine Berlin said...

No, adding to it. I am doing 6 credits right now, will be up to 12 in Fall when kids are in school. I just need to push through it!

AngryBaker said...

I suppose you must feel crazy, but how fun to be going to school. NO really, I mean that. I miss that time to focus on something and to work uninterrupted. Plus your kids must love knowing that you have to take tests just like them:)

And way to throw the grading curve!

Anonymous said...

seriously, I didn't even know that you were in school! Congrats on great grades!!!

Julie said...

congratulations on your grades! It is crazy being a parent and a student, but you are proof that it is doable. Keep up the good work :)